We accept most returns within 60 days of original purchase. Below you will find the three major parts to our return policy. If you have questions beyond this please email the office from the bottom of any page by clicking the "contact" link. You can also call your local store and speak with the manager.
If it has been chewed or noticeably worn, it cannot be returned.
We understand mistakes happen, but we simply cannot accept items that have been chewed or used in a way where it cannot be resold as "new."
Bring it back half full.
Cat being finicky? Dog go on hunger strike again? Don't sweat it, just bring back more than half of the original amount and we'll gladly give you a full refund or exchange (within 60 days of original purchase). The original UPC (barcode) must also be attached to the product and it cannot be expired or past the "Best By" date.
No yelling.
We all get mad, but if for some reason you start yelling or cussing at us, we can't help you. Stay calm and we'll do our best to listen and problem solve with you.
Family owned and operated in Denver, Colorado